
musical articulation + ice cream = staccato gelato

Thanks to Evan's sibling-better half, we stumbled upon Staccato Gelato after a departure from our well-intentioned southern dinner destination (we'll blog on that one later).  I've experienced Staccato Gelato at the Portland Farmers Market and was impressed, but last night was double trouble as there were donuts involved.  ;)  I know that alot of Portlanders feel that donuts don't do our gastronomic mecca justice, but as a Dunkin Donuts aficionado from a ripe young age, I have to disagree.

And with that...

Cameo appearance: Ashley Churchill, sister of Evan, freshly minted Portlandian... Portlandite... Portlander?
As a former gelateria employee, and therefore gelato fanatic slash snob, I was just jonesin’ for a coppa. We realized that we weren’t far from Staccato Gelato, so there we raced.
My gelato snobbery reared as I surveyed the case, immediately drawn to the overly-green pistachio [this most likely indicates the presence of added coloring, as pistachios are not, in fact, kiwi green in color]. Nevertheless, I had to try it, along with the Girl Scout Thin Mint (‘tis the season after all) and cinnamon (a standby). I went for the “Some”, their version of medium, allowing me to indulge in this flavor trifecta. As gelato servers well should, she piled my cup high with the creamy goodness, and topped it off with one of those delightfully small plastic spoons.
We sat at a corner table, surrounded by brightly colored polka dots and birds (see photo). Evan had gotten two of their donuts – chocolate with chocolate sprinkles, and powedered – Lesley got the grapefruit sorbet, my mom got her standby chocolate-coconut combo, and my dad, well, paid. Needless to say, the conversation waned as we were distracted by our sweet treats.
Although I was initially turned off by the bright green of the pistachio, the flavor saved the day. It was creamy and nutty, sweet but not overly so, and blended with the cinnamon especially well. I thoroughly enjoyed the Thin Mint, which helped to brighten up my palate even after the feast of garlic and curry.
The prices were right and the atmosphere – whimsical; gelato was good, and donuts - spot on (right Evan?). Staccato hasn’t been my absolute favorite spot in the past, but it definitely gained some points this time. Plus, I’m in love with their racecar “mascot” and am seriously going to need one of the t-shirts for my collection. Maybe next time I can convince some hapless fellow to take me there on a cheap date. Until then, family and friends is just fine with me :)

 - Lesley, Ashley and Evan

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